(遠藤・城﨑・金 研究室)

Reactive Gas Dynamics Laboratory
Mechanical Engineering Program,
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University
Research Topics
デトネーションの応用技術開発(デトネーション溶射装置・パルスデトネーションタービンエンジンなど)とレーザー点火の基礎研究(遠藤教授)more details
レーザー高エネルギー密度科学の関する数値シミュレーション研究(高速点火方式レーザー核融合やレーザー加速、レーザープラズマ光源開発等)(城﨑教授) more details
ガスと粉塵爆発現象に関する基礎研究、微小重力を利用した爆発実験、水素安全の基礎研究、ハイブリッド混合物の着火・爆発特性の基礎研究(金准教授) more details
In our laboratory, we are conducting research on reactive gas dynamics such as detonation, hydrogen explosion, and ultra-high temperature fusion plasma. Currently, we are focusing on the following three themes.
Applied technology development of detonation (e.g., detonation thermal spray device, pulse detonation turbine engine) and basic research on laser ignition (Prof. Endo) more details
Simulation research on laser high energy density physics such as fusion ignition and burning of laser fusion, laser acceleration and laser light source (Prof. Johzaki) more details
Basic research on gas and dust explosion phenomena, explosion experiments under microgravity, hydrogen safety, and ignition/explosion characteristics of hybrid mixtures (Associate Prof. Kim) more details
Through the above research on reactive gas dynamics, we aim to contribute to aerospace propulsion, development of high-efficiency engines, establishment of a safe society, and realization of the ultimate energy source, nuclear fusion.